Greenprint is one of the most active development partners in the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District’s (MSD) Project Clear Large Grant Rainscaping Program. In 2017, Greenprint secured a grant from the Kresge Foundation to analyze the District’s program, identify barriers, and develop a program model that could overcome those barriers to increase participation and drive investment into underserved communities. From this analysis, and in partnership with the District Greenprint determined that Community Anchor Institutions represent an ideal participant from both a stormwater management and community impact perspective, and with the right approach to landowner engagement, operational infrastructure, technical support, and access to financing, Greenprint could demonstrate that a community-based approach to project development would drive participation and contribute to MSD’s larger stormwater management goals. 

With nine projects completed and four in progress, Greenprint has continued to demonstrate the success of a community-based approach to green infrastructure by centering community anchor institutions like churches and schools across St. Louis. Our team works with landowners at every step of their green infrastructure projects — from developing concept plans and applying for funding, to permitting and construction — to ensure that their projects not only maximize stormwater management capabilities, but also reflect the specific needs of their communities.

Program Details

Location: St. Louis, MO

Duration: 2017–present

Partners: St. Louis MSD, Resource Environmental Solutions