Under the Vermont Clean Water Act, properties with three or more acres of impervious surfaces, such as rooftops or parking lots, must install stormwater management systems to help prevent polluted runoff from entering the Lake Champlain and Lake Memphremagog watersheds. Before making these upgrades, property owners are required to obtain General Permit 3-9050.
To help public schools with three or more acres of impervious surfaces meet these requirements, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) started the Green Schools Initiative and chose Greenprint to lead both phases. Phase 1 helped schools design their projects and get the necessary permits, while Phase 2 focuses on building the projects.
We are now in Phase 2 of the Green Schools Initiative. To qualify for assistance in this phase, schools must be located within the Lake Memphremagog or Lake Champlain watersheds and have obtained permit coverage under the State’s Stormwater General Permit 3-9050. Additionally, schools must have received a Notice of Intent (NOI) after achieving compliance. The NOI grants schools a five-year window to construct the approved stormwater management practices. However, the goal of the Green Schools Initiative is to complete these projects by the end of 2026, ahead of the given timeline.
Please note that applications for Phase 2 funding have been closed.