Our Work

Mission-driven properties in Buffalo adopt green infrastructure


BSA’s Rain Check 2.0 Green Infrastructure Grant Program

The Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA) selected Greenprint to administer the Rain Check 2.0 Green Infrastructure Grant Program, which funds green infrastructure (GI) projects on mission-driven private properties within Buffalo’s priority combined sewer overflow (CSO) basins. Buffalo’s combined sewer system can become overwhelmed during heavy rain or snowmelt, causing untreated water to flow into Lake Erie. This program is part of Buffalo’s broader effort to protect the Great Lakes and enhance the city’s resilience and sustainability.

Rain Check 2.0 builds on the foundation of Rain Check 1.0, BSA's initial investment in GI. Our team is leading projects across the city to reduce stormwater runoff, helping BSA meet its Long Term Control Plan goals for reducing sewer overflows into local waterways. These efforts not only protect water quality but also help to beautify properties, decrease heat island effect and improve the community’s quality of life.

As the program administrator, Greenprint manages Rain Check 2.0 projects from start to finish at no cost to participants. To support property owner enrollment, Greenprint assisted BSA with its outreach strategy, creating social media and web content about the program. Once participants are enrolled, we collaborate with local engineers to design their sites, provide tools and resources for community engagement, oversee the construction process and offer guidance on maintaining the GI for long-term success.